Dental providers today offer an option that will let you go through dental procedures without any awareness of pain or your own nervousness. Sedation dentistry makes use of sedatives to calm you in complex dental treatments that can otherwise be painful such as a tooth extraction, root canal, or even oral surgery

Painless Dentistry

We go through every precaution to ensure that what we give you to ensure “painless dentistry” is safe, recommended by experts in the field, and widely used. Your experience with us is of great importance. We will go to any length to ensure you achieve the smile that you want.

Dental Anesthesia

There are three states of sedation with dental anesthesia depending on the complexity of your treatment. Whether you need a mild, moderate, or deep sedative, our well-trained dentists will provide you with the suitable dose for the operation you are undergoing, and the level of anxiety that you may have. If you do not prefer for the medications to be administered the traditional way, you may also choose to take it orally or through an inhalator.

There is nothing to be afraid of. Your comfort and conveniently receiving your dental care are both major priorities at FLOSS Dental. Our offices will allow for your overall dental experience to be a positive one free of pain and anxiety.

Grow With Floss

Household names are empowered to do things that other brands never dream of. FLOSS is a deliberate, strategically planned effort to provide quality dental to more people than any single entity ever has before. No matter when you get in, the value in your investment continues to grow.